Teterboro Braces

Clear ceramic braces in Teterboro

Nowadays, metal braces are not the only choice when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Among the options that are available are our clear ceramic braces, which have many benefits that might be plusses for you when it comes to making the decision to have your teeth, or your child’s teeth, properly aligned.

Perhaps the most common aspect of orthodontic care that is cited in opposition to wearing our braces is the way it changes your appearance. And while metal braces have come a long way from the days of thick, heavy, unattractive devices consisting of criss-crossing wires and brackets, for some people that still isn’t enough to make them feel comfortable with the idea of braces in general. Clear ceramic ones are much less obvious, because the portions that would normally be visible as metal, are instead made of a material that matches you tooth color with near identical precision. Beyond the appearance, clear ceramic braces are constructed much like metal braces are.

In most orthodontic offices, there is an upcharge for ceramic braces. But at Gorkowitz Orthodontics, there is no extra charge for clear upper braces. So, which of our braces is the most suitable solution for your situation? That decision will be based in large part on your personal preferences. But when you come in for a consultation, you can ask any questions that you have, and Dr. Gorkowitz will help you to make the right selection.

Schedule a FREE consultation to come in and discuss how our braces can make for a more appealing smile and better positioned teeth.

(201) 288-2368

(973) 992-7377

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